Palestinian-Israeli war or better put crime against humanity had so far generated a lot of debates, retrogressive media reportage and self or groups unguided commentaries which exposed laziness or taken sides orchestrated by immaterial or parochial sentiments either as a result of commentator’s believe or unaware of the nitty-gritties of about 75 years of crime against humanity.

Thus, this piece intend to contribute to the debate, correct some misconceptions and misrepresentations about the war, exposed media agenda settings and injustice of Western World, traces some historical facts and figures on the causes and what needed to be done to avert prolong and reoccurrence of such in the future in order to safeguard humanity and maintain global peace.

Misconception and misrepresentations

As against many commentators beliefs that victory for either of the parties is victory for particular religion they profess. for instance a comment such as;

I- _Isreal should bulldoze all those standing structures, let the place revert to desert that it was. Nonsense killers of infants do not deserve to live. They should join their cousins in Lebanon and Syria- nebulous commentator_

II- _all member of —– are praying for Isreal to have “absolute victory ” in the ongoing conflict. The Almighty God, the only one of Isreal will give you absolute victory and give you permanent peace from now on. It is going to be well with you. We pray that this war would be the one that would be end of all wars- Popular religious leader

Also, actions of some particular religion worshippers gathering to pray for the victory of Palestinian over Israeli are doing that with no interest in root causes and intention for global peace, Palestinian-Israeli war is never a war between Christendom and Islam, it is purely fight for territorial and human dignity, it will interest you that as against popular believe, Isreal is not a Christian country as believe by many Christians today due to historical significance to the birth of Jesus, in fact it was proven by research that Christians in Isreal is around just 2% while Muslims are about 18% and Jews dominate with about 80%, also, in contrary to many Muslims believe that Palestinian victory is a victory for Islam as a result of the soil harboring The Muslim Third holy Mosque ‘ Masjid Al-Aqsa‘ located in Gaza River bank in Northern Jerusalem, a review of Palestinian population disproved this as about population of Christians in Palestine is about 22% of the entire Palestinian population and Gaza alone harbor about triple equate of Christian population in Israel, therefore, making the ongoing war more of cultural (that is Arab-Jewish war rather than Muslim-Christian) and purely Territorial conflicts, therefore, it will be disservice to humanity to pray for one victory over another, what should be germane to us is humanity and pray for peace at the both sides and sense of humanity should override any other primordial sentiments.

thus, our people needs to be guided not to escalate religious crises out of their ignorance, uninformed or misguided information and comments.

Western World hypocrisy and their media agenda settings

Though Hama is a political and militant movement currently governing the Gaza strip of the Palestinian territory for the emancipation of their people from Israeli occupation, though their strategy may be cruel, but to designate them as terrorists group could be said a predetermine hypocritical decision of Western World and American Government to mobilizes state arsenals against Palestinian people in disguise for protecting weak Isreali against their so called terrorist and mere ways of sponsoring state terrorism which negates concept of neutrality and non interference in affairs of Sovereign State as recognize by UN charter.

Therefore, it is within this context that British Prime minister Rishi Sunak comments on the war and decision to deploy British arsenals to assist Isreali government, and that of his United State counterparts vows to protect the holy Land of Israel and humanity can be located within clear support for State Terrorism and question begging for an answer is that “if their actions are to protect weak Isreali against Hamas so called terrorists, then what happens to weak Palestinian in face of Isreali state terror and heavy bombardment?”

Also, what happened to democracy, democratic values and human rights they so jealously propagates and religiously supervised across the globe and of what essence of signing UN Charter?

Unarguably, after the second World war and its ruins on humanity, four months immediately after San Francisco’s conference on 24th of October, 1945 United Nations UN was formed after its Charter was ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories as International Organization with aspiration to prevent global war and maintain international peace, curbs usurpation or annexation of any sovereign state by others and protection of human rights & dignity and guarantee rights of any groups so determined for self determination. Therefore, Western position and actions of taken side as members of Permanent security council not only questionable, but, a clear mockery for purpose at which UN was formed.

The question of injustice 

The whole essence of coming together by different sovereign nations under UN charter on equal rights is to maintain international peace and mutual relations and anything short of that can be situated within the context of injustice and violations of international law. Therefore, historical speaking since 1948 recurrent conflict in the area had been caused majorly as a result of disrespect for international law as result of the followings;

Unlawful annexation of Palestinian territory by Isreal and violation of human rights

In 1956 a commission of Inquiry over Gaza west bank was set up with renowned UN envoy who chaired it and at whom was named after as IBRAHIMI COMMISSION of Inquiry to investigate the allegations of occupation and rightful ownership, with all efforts it was established that the territory belongs to Palestine including West bank Gaza and east Jerusalem, in recent time also, Commission of Inquiry revealed that the Israeli occupation is unlawful under international law thus, according to the report of Independent commission set up by UN human rights council stated that;

Israel needs to end occupation, cease violating Palestinians’ human rights. Also, an independent commission of inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council after the 2021 Israeli assault on the besieged Gaza Strip said Israel must do more than end the occupation of land that Palestinian leaders want for a future state. “Ending the occupation alone will not be sufficient,” according to the report therefore, urging that additional action be taken to ensure the equal enjoyment of human rights for Palestinians.

The report cites evidence that Israel has “no intention of ending the occupation”. Israel is pursuing “complete control” over what the report calls the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, which was taken by Israel in a 1967 war and later annexed in a move never recognized by the international community. (New York times, October, 2022.)

Deportation of Palestinian civilians and noticed extrajudicial killings

The deportation of civilians contravened resolutions of 1988 UN security council which adopted two resolutions on issue of deportation of Palestinian from the occupied Palestinian territory, in the Presidential statement adopted on 26th August, 1988, the council expressed concern over Israel’s policy of deporting Palestinian civilians in contravention of international law and the fourth Geneva convention.

However, massacre of Palestinian worshippers in Hebron on 25th Feb 1994 in which an armed Isreali settler killed 29 Palestinian worshippers of the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron an outraged international community condemned and more recently in an ongoing war from media reports over 3000 lives of women and children of Palestinian extraction has been lost and that continue on both side on daily basis, this is total disrespect for international humanitarian law.

Moreover, extra judicial killings of individual Palestinian was brought to the attention of the international community numerous times, for instance, taken the report by the human rights group middle East watch which affirmed that the Israeli army, through the use of undercover units, is pursuing a policy of summary execution of Palestinian in the occupied Palestinian territory, also, according to the report of Amnesty international in its 1993 annual report on human rights reported that ‘at least 120 Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli forces, in same vein, UN inquiry and report was prompted by the 11-day Israeli military offensive in May, 2021 during which more than 260 Palestinians in Ģaza were killed and 13 people died in Israel and this madness is usual occurrence as a result of in ability of international community to rise to the occasion. Therefore, these and many others such as arbitrary detention and

imprisonment, illegal settlement activities and expropriation of Palestinian land, abuse of human rights in Palestinian occupied territory among others injustices melted on them culminated in Palestinian people frustration and resulted in arms taken against Israelite and Isreali government since other peaceful measures seems not working especially UN unending constitution of Commissions of Inquiry and her inability to implement recommendations of those Commissions.

Way forward to restore normalcy

In spite the ugly situation, the scenario is not insurmountable, if the international community and global citizens are ready to address the injustice.

Firstly, the ongoing war must be seen as crime against humanity and immediate ceasefire from the both sides must be compelled and strong sanctions be imposed on err part to prevent further destructions.

In whatever circumstances and relationship that exist between Western nations, Americans and Isreal, they must at this juncture call Isreali government to other and not escalating or worsening the situation by taken sides.

Injustice cannot in and will never in any ways be use to achieve justice, dialogue between both nations under sincere supervision of international community to review those extant reports of UN Commission’s of Inquiry and independent international human rights inquiries and Amnesty international watch reports on Israel-Palestinian territorial conflict that and implement them once and for all to ensure lasting solution, halts prolonged injustices and enthrone peace.

Framework for genuine and adequate compensation for the hurt should be designed to ensure accountability and transparency on the part of international community.

Humanity first, peace for middle east

Written By:
BELLO, Bukola Jamiu,
Political Scientist and Public affairs Analyst,
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